Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Anniversary!!!

Yesterday Dave and I celebrated ten years!!!! Wow! I can hardly believe it. We enjoyed the day together in Grand Junction. Went shopping and out to lunch. Had a wonderful time just remembering all the things we have been through and amazed at what God has done. So thankful for my husband. He is a blessing to me. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Long time no blog...... :(

  Well, my idea of blogging once a month through the summer didn't happen. :(
We went on a couple of little trips ,one to California and one to Durango to see Dave's brother and his family. We had a good time seeing family and letting the kids play. While in California we took the kids to the red wood forest. Those are some BIG trees! Over all the summer was good, and fast. We also went "camping". Dave and Matthew stayed in the tent one night. Matthew had a wonderful time and still talks about it. Kristine and I stayed in the house and had some much needed mom and daughter time. Now it's fall and we are hard at it with school. We went for a color drive a couple weeks ago and had a blast getting out into the mountains. Matthew has just learned how to ride his bike!!!! He is enjoying it (now that he got brave enough to try) and he is fast! He calls it his rocket. :) I have been enjoying crocheting and getting ready for Christmas. Yes, I have already started this year. My goal is to be done by Thanksgiving so I can relax and enjoy the season.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


      Wow!! The month of May flew by sooo fast! We had a great month. It started in El Paso, TX. We stayed there for a week. While there Dave was able to speak at a youth group. It went very well. They were blessed and so were we. We also took a day and went sight seeing. We normally don't do that, so we had a lot of fun. We took the kids to Carlsbad caverns and the white sand dunes. They had a blast and enjoyed it. Once we were back home it was back to normal stuff like school. Kristine finished 1st grade. She did very well. Matthew is doing well to. He will continue kindergarten through the summer. Kristine and Matthew also had birthdays this month. I can't believe how fast the years have gone!! They are now 7 and 8.
       So, here we are into June. I will be going through a Beth Moore Bible study this summer. I am very excited about it. We will continue school with Matthew and some school stuff with Kristine this next month. My sister from Denver came over with her girls for a few days, and the kids had a blast playing and getting to do things together. It was fun to have all the cousins together. I am looking forward to our summer. We don't  have any trips planned for the summer as of yet, but will be getting ready for a revival week in August at our home church. There is always so much planning and things to do to be ready. Last year we had about 200 people come. So it takes a few months to get prepared for a group that size.  

Monday, April 25, 2011

Grandpa, NM, TX........

   We were busy getting ready to go to NM when we got the call that my Grandpa past away. (on the 13th) We did still end up going go to NM for a few days and then we came back for the funeral. We planned on going back down to NM and TX after the service, but we got sick and have been recovering since. So, we will head back down to TX on Wednesday. We had left our 5th wheel there thinking we would only be gone a few days but......

    Any way we are all doing much better now and are looking forward to getting our home back. We had a wonderful Easter and hope all of you did too.  The service for my Grandpa was nice (as far as funerals are concerned). His life was celebrated and remembered with lots of wonderful memories. Dave and Kristine couldn't make it because they were already sick. So I took Matthew with me. When we got back I had to take Dave to the ER. He was very dehydrated, so they gave him an IV. By that night I was sick too. Matthew only got a bad head cold thankfully. The rest of us had the stomach flu.

   I will try to post while we are down there or right after we get back. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

We're still around

Ok..... We had a great time in NM. The meetings were very powerful. We also had fun with friends from there who we hadn't seen for a while. Things have been busy and crazy the last few weeks back. School, mostly. We might be heading out to a different part of NM the end of this week, but we're not sure yet. Sorry it's short, but I haven't had much time to get on the computer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Heading out

    We finally got our 5th wheel back  on Wednesday, after five weeks. Yea!! We were very glad to get it back.  So we have been busy moving in and getting ready for our next trip. Destination... New Mexico for a week. We will be going there with some people from our church. Our pastor does revival meetings there every year. We were blessed to be able to go to part of it last year, and heated to leave. This year we get to stay for the whole thing. After that we are planing to come back to Delta.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

time to update

     Wow! I can't believe it's March already!! February flew by for us. We celebrated my birthday on the 10th. I had a great day. We have been busy with school work. The kids are doing great with it. Our 5th wheel is still in Grand Junction getting fixed. A very dear Brother in Christ (from our home church) passed a way on the 13th. That has been hard on all of us. He was a very amazing man. He had been sick for the last 14 years. We never heard him complain. He always had a smile on his face. I am glad that we got to see him and pray with him one more time before he passed on. Now it's March.....we are still in Delta. At least for another few weeks. Maybe longer. We have a short trip coming up at the end of the month, but I think we'll be back after that. I will try to update more often, but so far that hasn't happened. Oh well. I'll keep trying.